The Sabbath – The Day of Rest

By August 25, 2019Uncategorized
  1. God required progressive farming long before anyone understood the principles of modern agriculture.
    Le 25:2B-5.
  2. God has also long understood that as land needs rest from its customary work to be renewed, so people need rest from their customary work to be renewed. As overusing land in one way impedes its productivity in that use, so overworking people in one way impedes their productivity in that work.
  3. It is the principle of Ec 10:10. Suppose you come across a man feverishly chopping up a huge tree. You ask him, “How long have you been at it?” He responds, “Over five hours. I’m exhausted, but I still have a long way to go.” You reply, “Why don’t you take a break and sharpen your axe. I’m sure you would be far more productive.” He exclaims, “But I don’t have time to stop and sharpen my axe. I’m too busy chopping up the tree!”
  4. God gave the children of Israel the seventh day of the week, or Saturday, as a day of rest or a Sabbath day from their customary work for at least three types of renewal.

For further reading, click on the sermon lesson sheet

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